Abernathy is a beautiful neighborhood that is part of the greater Hammersmith development but unlike Hammersmith proper, it is a few
years newer and has completed sidewalks. We have identified 143 residential parcels, so we consider it a medium sized neighborhood for The Pace community. Homes in this neighborhood were built as early as 2008 and as late as 2021 but most seem to be built between 2015 and 2018.
We’ve found homes as small as 2221 square feet and as large as 3290 square feet. Lot sizes in Abernathy hold close to 1/3 of an acre. The majority of these were built by DR Horton but Timberland, Legacy, Walther as well as some unidentified builders (custom homes) have also built in this neighborhood. The below statistics show that price per square foot is at a premium for the greater Hammersmith development.
2024 Home Sales
Average sale price $497,800. Average $/Sqft $189.81 (5
Inground pool homes average sale price $575,000 and average
$/Sqft $202.89 (1 home).
Homes without inground pools average sale price$478,500 and
average $/Sqft $186.54 (4 homes).
2025 Home Sales (updated monthly)
Average sale price, Average $/Sqft (0 homes reported).
Inground pool homes (0 homes reported).
Homes without inground pools (0 homes reported).